
The Racing Talent Training Centre (RTTC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science and Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sport, in order to provide local talent with resourceful education and training opportunities.

The Education University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Jockey Club aims to provide opportunities to jockeys currently riding or retired to further their studies and personal development through partnerships with respected institutions in Hong Kong.

The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is a government-funded tertiary institution dedicated to the advancement of learning and teaching through academic and research programmes on teacher education, social sciences and humanities disciplines. EdUHK has been supporting athletes’ pursuit of a dual career with its pledge to be an ‘Elite Athlete Friendly University’ in 2018.

Hence, RTTC has signed a MOU with EduHK. Under the spirit of MOU, the RTTC may nominate jockeys to apply for the full-time or part-time Bachelor of Health Education (Honours) with a flexible admission mechanism. This aims to provide continuing education opportunities for elite athletes with a solid foundation for career development after retirement.


Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science

Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science (HKASMSS) and RTTC have signed a MOU to provide medical support, fitness monitoring and sport psychology counselling services to our trainees. With the help of HKASMSS, we anticipate an improvement in the performance of racing trainees and the effectiveness of training. Both parties will also collaborate in organising workshops, seminars, and educational activities to promote Racing Medicine and Science and the international racing industry.


Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sport

In line with the Club's "Racing Vision 2030" and preparations to fully implement international-standard racing on a regular basis at Conghua Racecourse (“CRC”) from 2026, RTTC and the Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sport (GDVIS) signed the "School Partnership Collaborative Agreement".

Two parties will jointly launch the “Five-Year Consistent System”. The dual-curriculum programme, comprising academic and vocational training, will recruit Mainland students aged 15 to 16 who exhibit the potential to become apprentice jockeys or work riders. The programme is structured to provide recruits with well-rounded equine-industry training in areas such as riding, stable management, horsemanship and sports science, as well as whole-person development, to nurture the skills and qualities required by aspiring sports professionals.

Students will receive a recognised qualification from government-run higher education institutions and a Certificate in Racing (Hong Kong Qualification Framework Level 3) upon graduation.