Merged Pool is a "one pool wagering concept" which enhances the traditional pari-mutuel framework by allowing the turnover of different bet types to be merged into the same pool.
Quartet and First 4 will be merged to form the "Quartet & First 4 Merged Pool", with various enhancements:
Available Every Race:With deeper liquidity (due to consolidation of bets), it is possible to make these bet types available every local race with six or more starters.
Jackpot*:A jackpot will be allocated to the Merged Pool on specific racedays for higher returns.
Customers can still play Quartet and First 4 in the same way as they do today. The Merged Pool concept merely affects the mechanics of odds calculation.
* 0.5 percent of the Pool will be deducted as Jackpot Reserve Deduction 3.5 percent of the Pool will be deducted as Operator Reserve Deduction (to be deducted from the Club’s revenue) Please refer to the Important Notice for latest details