
JC School Football Development Scheme 2024/25

Online Application Form


Since 2013, The Hong Kong Jockey Club has partnered with Manchester United to bring the JC School Football Development Scheme (the Scheme) to local kindergartens, primary, secondary and tertiary schools. The Scheme aims to develop the potential of teachers and coaches by introducing a training model based on inspiration and encouragement, helping young players develop their physical, mental and social skills as well as put their Best Foot Forward.

Target Applicants

Primary and Secondary School teachers and school football coaches (Only one application form is required per school)

For More Information

School Information

Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form, each applicant is deemed to have understood and agreed with these terms and conditions and shall ensure that all participants will also comply with these terms and conditions:

  1. Not more than 20 primary and secondary schools will be admitted to the JC School Football Development Scheme (the "Event"). Representatives of selected schools will be invited to attend an interview and conduct a site visit by The Hong Kong Jockey Club ("The Club"). The final participation list will be decided by the Club and the decision of the Club shall be final.
  2. The deadline of submission of the application form is 23 September 2024. Late submission will not be considered. The Club shall under no circumstances be liable for any network, facility or security failure, or any delay or failure in transmission etc.
  3. It is acknowledged that the security of transmission of information over the internet cannot be fully guaranteed and that the transmission may be subject to interruption, interference, hacking, transmission failure or delay. The Club shall under no circumstances be liable for any network, facility or security interruption, interference, hacking, transmission failure or delay.
  4. All personal data will only be used for the purposes of this application and the Event. Each of the applicants confirms that it is duly authorised to or otherwise fully capable of allowing the Club to collect, record and use the personal data submitted with this application in accordance with the Club’s Privacy Policy Statement (which is available at www.hkjc.com/home/english/corporate/corp_privacy.aspx), and the relevant individuals have read and understood the Club’s Privacy Policy Statement.
  5. Each applicant shall ensure that all information provided to the Club is true and correct and that each participant is physically suitable and in a good health condition to participate in the activities of the Event. Each applicant shall provide appropriate instructions and directions for participants to participate in the activities of the Event safely.
  6. Participants participate in the activities under the Event at their own risk. Each applicant shall ensure that the participants understands that there are inherent risk in participating in the activities of the programme in the Event (including but not limited to football related). Each applicant shall ensure that all participants will conduct themselves in a sensible and responsible manner. To the extent permitted by the laws of Hong Kong, the Club will neither be responsible for loss or damage to any property nor any injury or death sustained by the participants or any third party, and will not responsible for any compensation. Each applicant shall indemnify the Club, its officers, employees or agents against any claim brought by the participants or any third party for loss, damage, injury or death cause by any act or omission of such teacher or coach arising out of or in connection with the Event.
  7. Each applicant shall ensure that its participants should attend all the activities of the Event. The event calendar will be fixed and/or varied by the Club from time to time.
  8. Each applicant shall ensure that participants of any activity under the Event shall wear such clothing and gear as the Club may require, and arrange for any necessary safety gear and equipment. Each applicant shall be responsible for arranging for the availability of such clothing, gear and equipment.
  9. Each applicant shall ensure that the participants will strictly follow all instructions and guidelines from the coach and/or programme helper (in particular, such instructions in connection with safety).
  10. Each applicant shall ensure that the participants shall comply with all public health laws, regulations, directives, policies and protocols imposed by any government agencies or the Club from time to time.
  11. These Terms and Conditions are not enforceable by any party other than the applicant submitted this form and accepted in the event and the Club, and these Terms and Conditions shall be excluded from the application of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623).
  12. The Club reserves the right to postpone or cancel the Event, or alter the format or arrangement of the Event for any reason without notice and compensation.
  13. In case of any disputes regarding these Terms and Conditions and all other matters relating to the Event, the decision of the Club shall be final.
  14. These terms and conditions are drafted in English and translated into Chinese. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.
Declaration :

School Information Review and Confirmation

Terms and Conditions

By submitting this form, each applicant is deemed to have understood and agreed with these terms and conditions and shall ensure that all participants will also comply with these terms and conditions:

  1. Not more than 20 primary and secondary schools will be admitted to the JC School Football Development Scheme (the "Event"). Representatives of selected schools will be invited to attend an interview and conduct a site visit by The Hong Kong Jockey Club ("The Club"). The final participation list will be decided by the Club and the decision of the Club shall be final.
  2. The deadline of submission of the application form is 23 September 2024. Late submission will not be considered. The Club shall under no circumstances be liable for any network, facility or security failure, or any delay or failure in transmission etc.
  3. It is acknowledged that the security of transmission of information over the internet cannot be fully guaranteed and that the transmission may be subject to interruption, interference, hacking, transmission failure or delay. The Club shall under no circumstances be liable for any network, facility or security interruption, interference, hacking, transmission failure or delay.
  4. All personal data will only be used for the purposes of this application and the Event. Each of the applicants confirms that it is duly authorised to or otherwise fully capable of allowing the Club to collect, record and use the personal data submitted with this application in accordance with the Club’s Privacy Policy Statement (which is available at www.hkjc.com/home/english/corporate/corp_privacy.aspx), and the relevant individuals have read and understood the Club’s Privacy Policy Statement.
  5. Each applicant shall ensure that all information provided to the Club is true and correct and that each participant is physically suitable and in a good health condition to participate in the activities of the Event. Each applicant shall provide appropriate instructions and directions for participants to participate in the activities of the Event safely.
  6. Participants participate in the activities under the Event at their own risk. Each applicant shall ensure that the participants understands that there are inherent risk in participating in the activities of the programme in the Event (including but not limited to football related). Each applicant shall ensure that all participants will conduct themselves in a sensible and responsible manner. To the extent permitted by the laws of Hong Kong, the Club will neither be responsible for loss or damage to any property nor any injury or death sustained by the participants or any third party, and will not responsible for any compensation. Each applicant shall indemnify the Club, its officers, employees or agents against any claim brought by the participants or any third party for loss, damage, injury or death cause by any act or omission of such teacher or coach arising out of or in connection with the Event.
  7. Each applicant shall ensure that its participants should attend all the activities of the Event. The event calendar will be fixed and/or varied by the Club from time to time.
  8. Each applicant shall ensure that participants of any activity under the Event shall wear such clothing and gear as the Club may require, and arrange for any necessary safety gear and equipment. Each applicant shall be responsible for arranging for the availability of such clothing, gear and equipment.
  9. Each applicant shall ensure that the participants will strictly follow all instructions and guidelines from the coach and/or programme helper (in particular, such instructions in connection with safety).
  10. Each applicant shall ensure that the participants shall comply with all public health laws, regulations, directives, policies and protocols imposed by any government agencies or the Club from time to time.
  11. These Terms and Conditions are not enforceable by any party other than the applicant submitted this form and accepted in the event and the Club, and these Terms and Conditions shall be excluded from the application of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623).
  12. The Club reserves the right to postpone or cancel the Event, or alter the format or arrangement of the Event for any reason without notice and compensation.
  13. In case of any disputes regarding these Terms and Conditions and all other matters relating to the Event, the decision of the Club shall be final.
  14. These terms and conditions are drafted in English and translated into Chinese. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.
Declaration :


Thank you for applying the “JC School Football Development Scheme”.
Your reference number is

Our staff may arrange a school visit with you to know more about the development of your school’s football team.

We look forward to putting best foot forward with you together.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club - Community Marketing
Tel: 2966 5428
Email: marcomm@hkjc.org.hk