People Stories

Talent & Sector Development

Seize every opportunity to grow

Anissa Wong: “Finding what you are passionate about and doing your best with it – that’s success.”

Young people are often called upon by community leaders to “seize opportunities”. But what does “opportunity” really mean and how can it best be seized? In Anissa’s view, an opportunity could mean an inspiration given by someone, or could refer to participating in something that enables you to see more of the world. “To seize an opportunity means you have to know how to start exploring it in more depth and breadth and move forward,” she believes.

Born with a happy personality and blessed with a lucky childhood, Anissa was encouraged to “do my best with what I am good at or I like”. She was given a lot of invaluable opportunities, from being an outstanding student at secondary school to receiving a Jockey Club Scholarship which helped her through her studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. “The best thing I got from the Scholarship was getting to know other JC Scholars with different achievements,” she recalls. “This gave me more social experience and a broader world view. Inspired by their achievements, I believed I could share my experiences with young people from different walks of life after I graduated.”

Blessed with multiple open doors in her career, Anissa seized the opportunity to drive corporate social responsibility projects for a bank. She had the chance to collaborate with various charitable organisations for initiatives including marathon, sight restoration projects and youth art programmes. Changing job gave her more exposure to youth and social welfare work, which ultimately led to her becoming a director of a charitable organisation dedicated to youth development. Always eager to nurture young talent, she encouraged her charges to take up the same mission of giving back to society and pass it on to others.

Anissa continues to strive for the interests of future generations through her current job at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. She believes that public institutions play a pivotal role in driving the global agenda for sustainable development issues. “We can expect growing interaction between the public and private sectors in working towards sustainable development objectives for the benefit of our future generations,” she says.

Did you know?

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships programme hopes students it supports will not only fulfil their academic potential, but also serve the community.

Over the past 25 years, scholarship recipients have come from a wide range of backgrounds, from local Chinese students to ethnic minority students, and from those who pursue music, atmospheric science, aerospace engineering and zoology, to budding teachers and educators. The programme has supported a number of students with special learning needs.

All scholarship recipients are members of The Jockey Club Scholars Alumni Association, forming a close-knit group to perform community service.