People Stories

Talent & Sector Development

A turning point for job-seekers

Anthony So: “People with passion gathering together can achieve meaningful things.”

Many Hong Kong parents hope their children would become doctors, lawyers, or civil servants, professionals that fit the traditional definition of “success”. As a result, young people in Hong Kong have little room to imagine their future career. Anthony recalls facing the same challenge before founding “OnMyGrad”, a start-up that provides human resources and education services to college students and companies. “I was born into a grass-roots family and did not have much idea about the career world,” he says. “I only targeted to work in the government after graduation. It was only after receiving the Scholarship during my studies in marketing and business administration at Lingnan University that I had the chance to join the JC Scholars’ gatherings and meet professionals from different sectors. I was exposed to various industries and types of work in the world.” Observing that there are students like him who struggle to find the right career paths due to a lack of information, Anthony had the inspiration to establish “OnMyGrad”.