Winner list for an "equestrian experience" at Tuen Mun Public Riding School

16143362 1648186835 168488171
1616212826 1654208441 1686137648
162380694 1656185291 168780531
162386673 1658178869 1688139828
1624179123 165989079 1689186989
1626122362 1663193688 168993021
1627215439 16647284 1692170547
162731246 1666202710 169382528
162937827 1668188882 16957445
162983283 166931365 1698191753
1635157475 166956493 169873838
1637170642 166981176 169947851
163753477 167924114  
164181939 1680145241  

Only winning reference numbers are listed to protect winners' privacy. All prize winners must collect the prize in person, with aid of the name shown on valid HKID card for verification.

Prize and redemption arrangement

Each winner will be given 2 tickets for an "Equestrian Experience" at Tuen Mun Public Riding School and a plush horse toy.

Each winner will receive an SMS notification for prize redemption, sent to the number provided to The Hong Kong Jockey Club at the entry submission and specifying the procedures of prize redemption.

Each prizewinner expressly confirms that he/she has read and understood the notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance as shown at

Trade Promotion Competition Licence Number: 49258